Happy Thanksgiving All!

Wishing you a wonderful & blessed holiday season!

U.S. Homeowners Enjoyed $3 Trillion of Equity Gains in Q2

Residential News » Irvine Edition | By Michael Gerrity | September 27, 2021 8:15 AM ET Based on CoreLogic's latest Homeowner Equity Report for the second quarter of 2021, U.S. homeowners with mortgages (which account for roughly 63% of all properties) have seen their equity increase by 29.3% year over year, representing a collective equity gain of over $2.9 trillion,... Continue Reading →

Thinking how the COVID-19 may be impacting your Real Estate assets? Here are a few points to think about…

April 15th 2020 ~ While the impact of COVID-19 of Miami/South Florida real estate market is difficult to predict, the solid foundation of the housing market going into the current situation should minimize the impact, particularly if the duration is short. ~ Economic and real estate market fundamentals are very strong and very different than... Continue Reading →

Welcome to My Real Estate Network!

Mr. David Errante Real Estate Sales Associate at Howard Chase Real Estate LLC (786) 506-0783 Direct DavidE@HowardChaseRealEstate.com Dear Friends & Family, I hope this letter finds you well. After 16 years in the Real Estate industry I am excited to announce my new career in the field of Real Estate Sales. I have partnered with... Continue Reading →

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